When the Lights Come Up

Today is one of those days. I’ve spent half the day procrastinating and the other half emailing and now the third half (yes, I realize what I said) will be spent hopefully doing something useful. Today started just fine. I was hyped about getting lots done: getting info to the newspaper about the new play … Read more

Bring On the New!

I was just checking the “view” log on some of the plays in the Heartland Plays online catalog. At least 50 of the new plays in the catalog have had over 1000 hits. Okay, so that doesn’t mean they have been read in their entirety 1000 times, but it definitely means a whole bunch of … Read more


What’s up? I’ll get to the “You” part in a minute. Right now I want to remind you what’s up in Carmel, Indiana in June. From June 17-23, the AACT holds its National Festival at the Carmel Performing Arts Center just outside Indianapolis. I’d really like to be there. Haven’t made an AACT festival since … Read more

Live and Well!

It’s been a long time coming, but Heartland Plays, Inc. is finally going live with our new website!  What started as a 30 day revamp of our website has turned into a four-month programming extravaganza.   The initial drop dead deadline for launching the new site was right in line with my trip to Venice Beach, … Read more

Drowning in Plays

I have a terrible cold. My third cold this year. I haven’t had a cold for ages. Working with kids in the theatre training program in Danville, Kentucky seems to have given me some sort of natural immunity…until now. Out here in Montana they must grow their own western strain of bugs and they love … Read more

Snowed Under in June

I had a birthday this weekend.  We celebrated by going to a great Mediterranean restaurant in Helena.  Altricia joined us.  She is with us for the summer from Jamaica on a student work visa.  We ordered a bottle of wine.  She got carded and didn’t have her passport with her.   She was a good sport … Read more

Spring into Action

Mark and I spent 7 hours yesterday cleaning up the yard from an ice storm that struck central Kentucky in February. Seems a little late, I know, but I’ve been in Montana all winter and just got back east to face the mess. And it was quite the mess, the whole town, still when I … Read more

Breaking In

It’s easier to break into a house then into publishing.  Not that I’ve ever broken into a house.  I haven’t.  But I have broken into a car, my car, to retrieve my keys.  I have a nasty habit of locking my keys in my car when I’m absorbed in thought, such as when I’m directing … Read more

Tis the Season to Cut Costs

With the winter solstice rising and the economy plummeting the forecast for theaters and performing arts groups looks a little bleak. Fortunately most companies will weather the winter but a production slowdown looks imminent for spring when most theaters set season schedules for the following fall. A royalty rollback seems ill advised, artists barely make … Read more