Lights Up, Lights Down, Lights Up

After a two-year pandemic that, by-the-way, still plays a leading role in our theatre world, it appears as if lights are rising once again on stages across America. At Heartland Plays, Inc., we remain cautiously optimistic. Following the winter holidays, requests for scripts for season selection purposes began showing up daily in our inbox. Actual applications for performance rights continue to trickle-in but appear to grow each week. Whether one performance or fifteen, we celebrate each and every opportunity to play a part in the return to live theatre. Are you looking to explore multiple plays from our catalog for possible production by your company? Request complimentary full scripts for review. Plan to stick with a hybrid production model of live and digital performances? Give us a call. We can quote you a flat, reasonable rate to make your plays available to at-home audiences. If you haven’t checked us out, now is the time. Our catalog is filled with some of the very best plays available today. We may be small but we offer quality works that are well-worth your time and consideration. Got questions? Email [email protected]. We’re here to help. Let’s keep the lights up together!