It’s been a wild summer. More busy than I might have liked, chock full of this, that, and the other which correlates to not enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them. Of course, that fall off the jet ski didn’t help. Nothing slows you down faster than a cracked rib. Unless it’s a fall off a ladder. Or a bike. Or, well, okay, so none of those happened except the fall off the jet ski, which was really more of an ejection than a fall. But it is those little things in life that fall our way that can really put a damper on our lifestyle. Now, on the other hand, I’ve had a slew of plays fall on my lap(top) this summer and I’m still working my way out from under. When we first started Heartland Plays, Inc. the submissions barely tiptoed in. With the help of some great forums like PlaysandPlaywrights and The Loop, I’ve connected with hundreds, if not thousands of playwrights talking about, bitching about, longing about and strategizing about the art and struggles of play writing. And through posting information about Heartland Plays on those forums, we’ve increased submissions about 300%. Problem now is, I’ve fallen drastically behind reading. Building our catalog so we have plays to market is timely to say the least. Having the time to read the submissions is crucial at best.
Between negotiating contracts, editing scripts and corresponding with playwrights, the best part of my work as an Editor has fallen off the cliff. I now understand why some editors resort to canned replies and promises to get back as soon as they’ve had the time to thoroughtly consider your play. I have six plays seriously under consideration right now, one waiting to get up on the website and two still in the editing process. I have three more plays from playwrights who made substantial revisions at my request that are waiting for my decision on publication. That’s not to mention the 60 some odd plays sitting in my “to read” file, waiting for their turn at bat. I’m not worried though, everything falls into place in it’s own time. One just has to keep the target in sight putting one foot in front of the other to get there. So, if I can just keep from stumbling over my own two feet, Heartland Plays, Inc. will be in great shape to showcase some outstanding plays for all stages as we move into the fall.